Friday, June 11, 2010

Rumors of my demise.....

OK, maybe there weren't actually any rumors. But I know I was MIA today. I was back in the hospital getting IV Lasix to pull extra fluid off. Getting to be a habit, I know. This time around I got a script for a new diuretic that I can use when I'm getting a little too much extra water weight. Maybe this way I can start doing this at home instead of having to spend the night(s) in the hospital. That said, the 3rd floor staff at SMC took GREAT care of me and were very nice people. I'll be back there after the transplant, so it's nice to know I'll be in good hands. Hope I'm lucky enough to see Jennifer and Heidi again for that stay.

On the transplant note, my doctor will be presenting my case at 7 a.m. this Wednesday (the 16th). Nobody can see any reason at all why I won't get the green light from the committee and be cleared for listing. Once we get their OK, I'll be on the list by the end of the week. Hopefully we're looking at a surgery inside of a year! We'll see.

All of the prayers, good thoughts and all around good vibes are felt and appreciated. It makes it that much easier to go through this with support and love from so many wonderful people. Thank you doesn't really do it, but it's all I got. From the bottom of my heart (Oh I love irony!!) thank you.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Type A

No, the title does not refer to my personality, although some would beg to differ. No, that is the result of the blood typing we did for the transplant. It's great news. We originally had thought that I may be type O which would have limited my donors to only O. Now I can take both O and A. Since A+ is second only to type O+ in commonality, there are a LOT of possible donors running around. Very happy day.

Saw some people at my mom's retirement party that I hadn't seen in awhile which was nice. One of those was Jill Carey. She's the former minister at the church we used to attend. She is also the same person who married Khristina and I. She is an amazing person to talk to. No matter how dire your situation or wound up you may be, she has just the right thing to say. Especially when that right thing is absolutely nothing and she just grabs ya and give you a hug. These aren't just any hugs, either. These are no-joke-lotsa-love kinda hugs. It's gonna be great that she'll be around for all this and for all of us.

So, with any luck, we are hoping for a date of June 16th for them to be presenting my case. Hopefully I can be on the list by July. So with their 8.5 month average waiting time.....

C'mon, sing it with me! "All I want for Christmas is a brand new heart! A brand new heart! A brand new heart!"