Thursday, August 19, 2010

Waiting and Organizing

It was brought to my attention recently that I had not posted in awhile. I wish I had some grand excuse, but I must admit that I just kind of sunk into the day to day of being at home all the time. Seems like I should have time to blog all the time now. But, I tend to get lazy.... At any rate, here I am again.

One thing I've been doing is organizing this benefit on October 9th. I finally have the band slots almost full, so I'll be going to the printer to make posters and tickets soon. I'm excited, a lot of people have already RSVP'd and it looks like it will be a pretty big event. I just have this nagging feeling that I won't be there for it. I keep thinking they're going to call me on October 8th to come in for the transplant. Dammit I hate to miss a party! :)

But it'll be great either way. I have got some great people who are just lining up to help out. It really is an awesome feeling to find out how many people are there for you when you really need them. I don't think I can ever repay the outpouring of support we're getting as a family. It is truly amazing.

As far as what's up on the health front, I am on my I.V. drip of dobutamine which, by way of simple explanation, is a drug that assists the lower chambers of my heart with pumping fully. It has really made a big difference in how I get by day to day. Having an I.V. 24-7 and carrying a pump everywhere I go is kind of a pain in the ass, I'll admit. But it has been well worth the aggravation to feel better.

I started my cardiac rehab sessions this week as well. So far we've just been testing, but next week we'll start the actual working out. I'm looking forward to being able to do some work. I really want to get into better shape before surgery so my recovery is easier. I am SO ready to hit the ground running post-op. The sooner the better.

Well, that's it for now. I'll keep ya'll up to date on the benefit and let you know as soon as tickets are available. Have an echo tomorrow and an appointment with the doc next week. Any changes, I'll let you know.
Big Love!