Monday, May 31, 2010

Rough one

I've been saying all along that there are good days and bad days. Gotta say this won't go down as one of the better ones. Physically not the best day. Been feeling pretty run down and having a hard time breathing most of the day. Got a lot of stuff done that I needed to, though. Mentally I think this day may have been one of the worst so far. I've been really snappy and have just had no patience for anything all day. I don't know, maybe it's just that I was feeling tired and bad. Not that it's and excuse. I just mean that may help explain things. Really ready to tee up on tomorrow and take another shot.

On another note, my second appointment with the transplant center is on Thursday. Really ready to get all of this preliminary stuff done and get on the list. Then I can just get to the waiting. Wait, um, ok..... Yeah, maybe I should be thankful that at least there is something to do for now.

One last thing. Thursday my mom retires from teaching after 23 years. 23 years of MIDDLE school, mind you. Congrats mom! Love you!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Direction found

Well. I think I found a direction to take with my blog. Last week it was confirmed that I will be needing to receive a heart transplant. This coming Wednesday is my first appointment with the transplant group to begin the "workup", read: lots of tests, many, MANY forms etc. etc.. It's going to be a crazy ride and I am going to need a place that I can just let the emotions out. A blog seemed like a excellent way to not only share information about what's going on, but also to journal things in a semiconstructive way. If someone stumbles across this who is going through what I am than all the better. If other people are midly entertained by my sometimes knack for something resembling wit, great! If you just enjoy reading about how I may or may not suffer..... Well, you're a sick fuck but whatever. Oh yeah. This may be a good time to point out that I don't plan on editing all too much. If you're offended by my sailor mouth, well, we obviously have never spent any time together! But I promise not to be too gross. Maybe PG-13 with the occasional R.

So now that I have a mission statement, I guess it's time to start the mission.
Earth below us.
Drifting, falling.
Floating weightless.
Calling, calling home.