Sunday, May 23, 2010

Direction found

Well. I think I found a direction to take with my blog. Last week it was confirmed that I will be needing to receive a heart transplant. This coming Wednesday is my first appointment with the transplant group to begin the "workup", read: lots of tests, many, MANY forms etc. etc.. It's going to be a crazy ride and I am going to need a place that I can just let the emotions out. A blog seemed like a excellent way to not only share information about what's going on, but also to journal things in a semiconstructive way. If someone stumbles across this who is going through what I am than all the better. If other people are midly entertained by my sometimes knack for something resembling wit, great! If you just enjoy reading about how I may or may not suffer..... Well, you're a sick fuck but whatever. Oh yeah. This may be a good time to point out that I don't plan on editing all too much. If you're offended by my sailor mouth, well, we obviously have never spent any time together! But I promise not to be too gross. Maybe PG-13 with the occasional R.

So now that I have a mission statement, I guess it's time to start the mission.
Earth below us.
Drifting, falling.
Floating weightless.
Calling, calling home.

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